The Board of Women (BoW) is fully integrated into our larger church committee structure that serves our congregation. Therefore things may look a little different from a more traditional “women’s ministry” model.

Our Session is organized into committees that drive the work of our church. Board of Women members are active on each of these committees, as well as the diaconal committees, and work closely with the staff, Session, and deacons that comprise each committee. Together we strategize, organize, and share ideas within each committee as well as roll-up our sleeves to actually do the work of the ministry.

Through the BoW’s active participation on these committees, the women of our church have a collective voice. We are blessed with leadership that recognizes that women have valuable insight and gifts and that women should be integrated into church leadership.

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Mission & Values

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  • Mission

  • Values & Verses

Current Members & Committee Assignments

Melinda Bargery
Co-Chair: Women's Ministry
Jennifer Church
Baylee Eby
Ginny Espenshade
Faith Goodwin
Makiko Harrison
Vice Chair
Juliana Hege
Leslie Hobbs
Chair/Session Representative
Martha James
Kathryn Kolbe
Caroline Krueger
Ellen Meyer
Rachel Moore
Ashley Nettles
Mollie O’Dell
Jan Pascoe
Molly Preston
Co-Chair: Women’s Ministry/Secretary
Nancy Ruiz
Lauren Shannon
Krista Smith
Betty Snyder
Herndon Site POC
Margie Watkins
Liz Wimer
Diaconate Representatives
Amanda Young
Diaconate Representatives


Commonly Asked Questions

How does the Board of Women serve the women of our church?
Caring well for the women in our church is central to the Board of Women’s mission. We want to be responsive to the needs and interests of our women as well as help facilitate community and fellowship among them. In everything, it is our overriding goal to press the Gospel into women’s lives, then to teach and prepare our women to press the gospel into the lives of others.

With this goal in mind, we bring women together in many different settings for fun and fellowship. We organize events in the fall and spring, Women’s Breakfasts, and our biannual Women’s Retreat. We support women’s ministry and mentoring initiatives that arise from all areas and ministries in our church, and we recruit and schedule women to help alongside our Elders in the Prayer Ministry after each worship service. We join with members of the Session to interview and welcome new members. We also help connect newcomers with opportunities for fellowship and Bible study.

While the Board of Women does not directly oversee all women’s ministries, we do serve as a resource. We often help suggest different ways that women can get more “plugged in” at our church to create connections and give women a chance to uncover opportunities to serve and use their gifts.

What if I have an idea for women’s ministry at MPC? How do I share my suggestions? How can I get involved?
The Board of Women is always open to your input about addressing women’s ministry needs you may feel or see, and we would welcome any new ideas or insights you may have. In fact, we are not only “open,” we can’t accomplish much without women like you. We are a group of fifteen to twenty women and, like many of you, wear many different hats – often simultaneously.

So while we can’t create a new program for every need that is brought to our attention, we can come along side you and help support you in areas where you see a need. We want to stress that ministering to and with one another is everyone’s job in Jesus’ Kingdom. The Board of Women is here to help you to do just that.

How do I recommend someone for the Board of Women?
Nomination forms for elected leaders open each August.

How are women selected for the Board of Women?
After reviewing the recommendations from the congregation, the Session nominates a number of women to the Board based on the needs of the Session and diaconate and the gifts of the women recommended. The nominees then participate in the church’s leadership training and, upon successful examination, are appointed to the Board of Women by the Session.

How long do women serve on the Board of Women?
As is the case with the Session and Diaconate, the term of service for the Board of Women is 3 years. Women may serve a maximum of 2 consecutive terms before a mandatory sabbatical. Therefore, most members serve for 6 years.