
April 25 - 26, 2025


Healing in Jesus: A Pathway to Flourishing

In our broken world, it can be hard to know what flourishing really is. In Jesus, we have hope for healing and an eye for the wholeness we truly long for. In this two-day in-house retreat, Liz Edrington will help us to consider the story of the man born blind and what it reveals about the way Jesus is meeting our deepest needs and restoring all things.


All conference events will be at McLean Presbyterian Church.

  • Friday, Apr. 25 | 7–9pm
  • Saturday, Apr. 26 | 9–11:30am


  • Register by April 16 | Attendance is limited to registered participants.
  • Registration fee: $25 includes Friday dessert, Saturday breakfast, and conference materials. If the cost of registration is limiting you from attending, contact us! Scholarships are available.
  • Missed the registration deadline? Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate late registrants or drop-ins. Our event organizers are managing catering, seating, and other details; thank you for honoring their efforts by respecting our registration policy. Please subscribe to our Women’s Ministry Newsletter; we’d love to see you at our next event!


About Our Speaker

Liz Edrington serves as the Associate Director of Care at McLean Presbyterian. She received her M.A in Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, practiced as a counselor for 6 years, and has also taught as an adjunct professor in the psychology department at Covenant College. She is the author of Anxiety: Finding the Better Story, which won the Gospel Coalition’s Book Award for Best Bible Study & Devotional Literature in 2023. Liz is passionate about fostering healthy relationships and seeing people become more of who the Lord has created them to be.


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Herndon McLean


McLean Presbyterian Church
1020 Balls Hill Road
McLean, VA 22101


Molly Preston & Juliana Hege
Board of Women
[email protected]