Proclaim Christ in our Area
We partner with local organizations to proclaim Christ’s name through justice and mercy in order to see changed lives, civic renewal, and community formation in the greater DC metro area.
We partner with local organizations to proclaim Christ’s name through justice and mercy in order to see changed lives, civic renewal, and community formation in the greater DC metro area.
Share grace around the world with projects that meet our partners’ pressing needs.
ACTS (Active Compassion To Saints) Ministry seeks to provide worship and fellowship for Christians, as well as share the gospel to those who do not know Jesus at local nursing homes.
Groups of volunteers of all ages visit local nursing homes to spend time with residents singing, praying, reading Scripture, and hearing a message of God’s grace.
During COVID-19, the ACTS ministry was very active, distributing hundreds of Bibles, DVD’s of music and sermons, notes of encouragement, and letters from community groups. In locations where gathering restrictions have loosened, ACTS has been able to deliver worship and homilies of the gospel in person.
ACTS currently serves at Arleigh Burke Pavilion and Regency Care Center. If interested in knowing more, please contact the McLean Pres office: 703.821.0800.
Assist Pregnancy Center is a locally organized, faith-based, non-profit organization that exists to promote life to those vulnerable to abortion. Through free, confidential services provided with a thoughtful, compassionate approach, it is Assist’s desire to provide accurate information for every young woman facing an unplanned pregnancy to help her understand all of her options. All services are available regardless of income, race, or religion.
Bethany House eliminates domestic violence one family at a time by assisting victims through our emergency shelter. With crisis intervention and an emergency shelter, they help women and their children who have suffered from domestic violence regain health and dignity. Once families are stabilized, Bethany House helps them get reestablished in their community by providing temporary housing and support.
Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center (CHPC) is a faith-based non-profit organization offering help and support to women, men and their families who are in a crisis pregnancy in DC neighborhoods. CHPC’s goal is to provide compassionate care as well as complete, accurate information pertaining to pregnancy and pregnancy options. Services include free pregnancy testing, counseling, mentoring, childbirth classes and parenting classes, as well as free material resources. provides practical training for job seekers to enable them to successfully navigate the complexities of the current job market. Through Saturday morning training workshops offered throughout the DC metro area, CC provides high-quality information and training in order to walk alongside job seekers, providing hope, encouragement, and a practical strategy they can put into action.
Casa Chirilagua is a community of people “learning together to love their neighbors as themselves” in a Latino neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia, called Chirilagua. Casa Chirilagua is a Christian faith-based non-profit outreach that seeks to develop relationships with families to see the Chirilagua neighborhood transformed by Christ.
Christianity Explored is a way of sharing the best news ever heard, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life. Over 7 sessions in Mark’s Gospel, Christianity Explored classes introduce the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.
Cornerstone provides a Christ-centered, nurturing, and academically rigorous education to the children of Washington DC’s Anacostia neighborhood, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become leaders who serve others in light of Christ and his truth. Cornerstone was founded in 1998 with 23 students in 2 grades, and now serves nearly 200 students Pre-K through 12th grade.
The mission of Covenant College is to explore and express the preeminence of Jesus Christ in all things. Covenant educates Christians to engage culture and cultures, to examine and unfold creation, and to pursue biblical justice and mercy in community.
Andrew and Karlayne Powars seek to glorify God as they work with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) on college campuses to transform lost students into Christ-centered laborers. Supported campus programs include Marymount, American & George Washington Universities.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes help non-native English speakers advance their conversational skills and learn more about American culture. We do our best to match each student’s skill level to one of our six levels of classes.
A national network of 30 church-based fellows programs and 280 fellows, including the Capital Pres Family’s Capital Fellows.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is an inter-denominational Christian campus ministry working to transform students and faculty, renew campuses, and develop world-changers by the power of the gospel. For over 75 years, InterVarsity has been a vibrant and crucial presence on over 1500 U.S. college campuses. We partner with IV by supporting IV staff member, Emily Francis.
The Lamb Center serves the poor and homeless, transforms lives, and shares God’s love to people in Fairfax County. Counseling is the core program and encompasses spiritual, psychological, life and employment dimensions.
In addition, the Center provides many free services including hot meals, hot showers, laundry services, resume assistance, haircuts, legal assistance, transportation, and much more. Clients are encouraged to seek God’s plan, deal with addictions, overcome obstacles and find employment.
MomCo—formerly known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)—connects moms to a community of women who meet together to embrace the journey of motherhood. MOPS provides community for mothers with children from birth – Kindergarten.
Led by John and Kerry, this initiative focuses on befriending and serving distinguished internationals in the D.C. political community while seeking to demonstrate the faith, hope, and love found in Jesus. This ministry develops relationships with those who are openly curious, definitely interested, or already convinced to help them explore Christianity.
One Voice Fellowship is a multi-lingual church in Northern Virginia. Through worship, youth ministries and daily conversation, One Voice provides opportunities for people who don’t speak English to glorify and enjoy God in their native language.
Chaplains bring the light of Christ into hospitals, correctional facilities, hospice ministries, businesses, and through the military. PCA Chaplains are at work all over the world standing at a bedside, praying, counseling, officiating at a graveside service, preaching Christ, or leading a Bible study.
Project Belong inspires, recruits, and resources churches and families in Virginia to foster and adopt, in order to spread the love of Christ to children in crisis.
The Church is the hope of the national foster care and adoption crisis. Project Belong will equip Metro NoVa’s Christian community to impact the foster care system with the hope of Christ. We will unite churches with organizations, government agencies, and businesses so that no child is waiting for a home in Metro NoVa.
The Washington campus of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) is committed to providing faithful, confessional and theological training to those who would serve Jesus Christ in different contexts around the world as ministers, missionaries, scholars, and lay leadership.
Led by Matthew DeLong, Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) seeks to reflect God’s grace to the international community at George Mason University. RUF International exists to:
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Howard University is a ministry that is celebrating and joining the rich Christian legacy of HBCUs; connected to the local, global and ancient church; sharing and showing the words and work of Jesus; a place that is about the truth and feels like family; honest about every student’s spiritual hunger; and confident that God is at work on Howard’s campus.
Since 1969, SHARE has been providing emergency assistance to the less fortunate in McLean and Pimmit Hills, as well as nearby areas of Northern Virginia. SHARE provides for key physical needs through a food pantry, clothing bank, donations of furniture and technology. Families and individuals can also receive assistance for urgent financial needs through SHARE’s Family Assistance program, which helps with rent, utilities, medical, and other expenses.
Matt Stone
Director of Mission
[email protected]