Grace is Real, Hope is Here

Our world will tell us there is no hope, and no truth — maybe you’ve felt that way this year especially. But we believe that because Jesus rose from the dead, our hope is secure. At Easter, we claim our everlasting hope in Christ; we rest in the promise of God who told us he would save us and did through Jesus; and we celebrate that death ultimately has no sting for those who are in Christ.   

Our world, our neighbors, our friends, all of us need to hear the truth of grace. Invite others to join us this Easter! These resources are here to help you do that. 


Share the Gospel

Share a Post

Download an image to share to your social media feed — share the message of Easter and invite others to our online service.



Write a Note

Print these note cards, write a note on the back, and pass along to others and invite them to celebrate Easter with us!



Write a Message for Your Neighbors

Get out your chalk and write “grace changes everything” in your driveway. Make a poster that proclaims “hope is not canceled” and stick it in your window. Get the whole family involved! Share your art on social media with #easterishope


Support Local Organizations

Our local missions partners are supporting some of the area’s most vulnerable populations during this crisis. Find out how you can help your neighbors by donating tablets for D.C. school kids, help equip local foster families, or support Inova Fairfax.


See You on Sunday

Our Easter Sunday service will be available online at 8a.m.