Mission Statement: To deliver for the Session’s approval a McLean Presbyterian Church (MPC) Strategic Plan for the next five years by listening humbly to the Lord, our church leadership and our congregation; synthesizing information; setting priorities; and using it as one important input toward an actionable set of recommendations.

About the Committee

Session committees are appointed by the elders as needed around areas of special interest. This committee is comprised of church members who are dedicating time, effort and energy to discuss, consider and outline the vision for the church in the coming 5 years.

Recommendations from the committee will be reviewed by the Session and the committee will regularly update the congregation on their discussions.

Committee Members

Ryan Laughlin, Bruce Haynes, Tracy Pierson…

Growth and Future

The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) will compose and present to the Session for approval (and/or amendment) a Capital Presbyterian Family Strategic Plan that sets the vision for the church over the next five years. The SPC will humbly listen well to the Lord, church leadership and our congregation as it synthesizes information, in order to propose priorities with actionable recommendations to the Session in the form of the Plan. The Session understands that the SPC is likely to conduct multiple, church-wide, small group discussion and listening sessions across a broad demographic base of the church in order to assimilate its findings. The Session further expects that the SPC will review appropriate financial, attendance and other germane information, to include information outside of the church such as demographic, cultural and denominational data, and that the SPC will share its insights from its findings with church leadership for feedback and further consideration. The SPC aims to present a draft Plan to the Session by November 2024 for a first reading. Finally, the SPC will communicate directly with the congregation throughout this process in coordination with and by the approval of the Moderator, emphasizing the need for the Body to pray as we seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom throughout this process.