• The Session

  • The Session

  • Diaconate

  • Board of Women

The Session

An elder’s primary role is to shepherd our congregation (1 Peter 5:1-5). This works out in the functions of leadership, government, spiritual discernment and discipline. Peter insists that elders embody the wisdom, character, and humility of Jesus: “not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock” (v.3). The group of elders is a representative body, called the Session. The Session leads and make decisions for our church via committees in each ministry area: Ministry Support, Multiplication, Worship, Formation, Care, and Missions.

The qualifications of an elder are described in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and Acts 6.

Chris Bargery
Tom Bennett
Steve Brown
Burlie Brunson
Stuart Burns
Ellis Chaplin
Clint Church
Martin Etner
Gene Goodell
Chair: Ministry Support
Kevin Humphreys
John Kipps
Horace Lamb
Chair: Multiplication
Ryan Laughlin
Steve Martin
Chair: Worship
Chris McPeek
Chair: Care
James Metzger
Chair: Formation
David Newbrander
Jim Perry
Scott Redd
Donn Roebke
Bart Seitz
Brent Singley
Greg Sherrill
Ted Smith
Norm Snyder
Louis Tucker
Brad Waters
Chair: Missions

VIEW Committee Assignments


A deacon’s primary role is to serve the physical needs of our church and community, modeling the mercy of Jesus. This is a role of compassion, witness, and service, helping those in need. The group of deacons are organized as a board, called the Diaconate, which operates via committees: Facilities, Ministry, Local Mission, Service, and Stewardship. They also administer the Deacons’ Fund which supports those with temporary financial needs both inside and outside our congregation.

The qualifications of a deacon are described in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and Acts 6.

James Arvey
Drew Barr
Shane Birdsinger
Steve Bradshaw
Don Brown
Chair: Stewardship
Franklin Cate
Chris Cathcart
Jeff Clark
Josh Deye
Phil Eskeland
Joel Espenshade
Pete Goggin
Dave Hebert
Andrew Hill
Ian Howe
Zach Hurst
Ken Janetsky
Chair: Facilities
Eric Miller
Chair: Ministry
Jim Muzzall
Chair: Service
Timothy Newbrander
Adam Outlaw
Alan Peters
Daniel Pierson
Diego Ruiz
Chair: Diaconate
Camden Seiler
Benton Thompson
Peter Trueman
Jeff Witkop
Chair: Local Missions

VIEW Committee Assignments

Board of Women

The Board of Women is a leadership body that complements the ordained leadership of the church (elders and deacons). Board of Women members serve the whole church through shepherding, service, and prayer, with extra attention to women’s ministry. Board of Women members serve alongside the Session and Diaconate, advising in all aspects of church life.

We’ve identified qualifications for Board of Women members in Titus 2:3–5 and 1 Timothy 3:11. Learn more about the Board of Women.

Melinda Bargery
Co-Chair: Women's Ministry
Jennifer Church
Baylee Eby
Ginny Espenshade
Faith Goodwin
Makiko Harrison
Vice Chair
Juliana Hege
Leslie Hobbs
Chair/Session Representative
Martha James
Kathryn Kolbe
Caroline Krueger
Ellen Meyer
Rachel Moore
Ashley Nettles
Mollie O’Dell
Jan Pascoe
Molly Preston
Co-Chair: Women’s Ministry/Secretary
Nancy Ruiz
Lauren Shannon
Krista Smith
Betty Snyder
Herndon Site POC
Margie Watkins
Liz Wimer
Diaconate Representatives
Amanda Young
Diaconate Representatives

VIEW Committee Assignments

Staff Contacts

Bill Fullilove
[email protected]

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